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The Turtles Songs  Albums | Album ArtsThe Turtles - Zortam Music

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Happy Together - The Turtles
It Ain't Me Babe - The Turtles
So Happy Together - The Turtles
Eve of Destruction - The Turtles
It Ain't Me Babe (Mono) - The Turtles
Dance This Dance - The Turtles
Happy Together - 01 - Happy Together - The Turtles
Elenore - Remastered - The Turtles
You Showed Me - The Turtles
Track 1 - The Turtles
Cant You Hear the Cows - The Turtles
Turtles - - The Turtles
Food - The Turtles
First Attack - The Turtles
Surfer Dan - The Turtles
Too Young To Be One - The Turtles
Story of Rock 'n Roll - The Turtles
Just a Room - The Turtles
Happy Together - From The 1967 Album Happy Together - The Turtles
Think Ill Run Away - The Turtles
Elenore - The Turtles - The Turtles
She'd Rather Be With Me (mono single mix) - The Turtles
Goodbye Surprise - The Turtles
Happy Together - 60's Gold - 16 - The Turtles
11 The Turtles_She'd Rather Be With Me - The Turtles
You Know What I Mean - The Turtles
Track 11 - The Turtles
To See the Sun - The Turtles
Juntos Y Felices - The Turtles
Too Much Heartsick Feeling - The Turtles
Final Dream - The Turtles
She'll Come Back - The Turtles
Person Without A Care - The Turtles
She's Rather Be with Me - The Turtles
Makin My Mind Up - The Turtles
The Turtles - Elenore (1968) HQ - The Turtles
So Happy Together - 120 - 12A - - The Turtles
Turn,Turn,Turn - The Turtles
Happy Together(101 Number One Hit Records Us Cd Version) - The Turtles
House on the Hill - The Turtles

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