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The Paragons Songs  Albums | Album ArtsThe Paragons - Zortam Music

Silver Bird - The Paragons
The Tide Is High - The Paragons
Paragons John Holt - Tide is H - The Paragons
Love Vibration - The Paragons
If - The Paragons
Island In The Sun - The Paragons
Positive Movements - The Paragons
Florence - The Paragons - The Paragons
Track 10 - The Paragons
A Place Called Zion - The Paragons
When The Lights Are Low (2) - The Paragons
'The Tide Is High' - The Paragons
I Need Her - The Paragons
Florence - The Paragons
Florence + The Machine - Queen of Peace & Long and Lost - The Paragons
070. Florence + The Machine - Queen of Peace & Long and Lost - The Paragons
My Satisfaction - The Paragons
So Much Pain - The Paragons
6 - The Paragons - The Tide is - The Paragons
Riding High On A Windy Day - The Paragons
The Same Song - The Paragons
My Best Girl - The Paragons
Yellow Bird - The Paragons
Black Bird Singing - The Paragons
Happy Go Lucky Girl - The Paragons
Hey Baby - The Paragons
Wear You to the Ball - The Paragons
Only A Smile - The Paragons
Track 16 - The Paragons


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