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Patti Smith Songs  Albums | Album ArtsPatti Smith - Zortam Music

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Dancing Barefoot - Patti Smith
Peaceable Kingdom - Patti Smith
Gandhi - Patti Smith
Trespasses - Patti Smith
Cash - Patti Smith
Mother Rose - Patti Smith
Jubilee - Patti Smith
My Blakean Year - Patti Smith
Radio Baghdad - Patti Smith
Stride of the Mind - Patti Smith
Trampin' - Patti Smith
Cartwheels - Patti Smith
Land - Patti Smith
Land Of A Thousand Dances - La Mer (De) - Patti Smith
On A Saturday Night - Patti Smith
Fire of Unknown Origin - Patti Smith
06 Trespasses - Patti Smith
My Madrigal - Patti Smith
Redondo beach (live) - Patti Smith
Ask The Angel - Patti Smith
Gloria (Live) - Patti Smith
Citizen ship - Patti Smith
Frederick (live) - Patti Smith
08 Cash - Patti Smith
Paths That Cross - Patti Smith
My Generation [*][Live] - Patti Smith
The Boy In The Bubble - Patti Smith
Abyssinia - Patti Smith
Upright Come - Patti Smith
Hymn (live) - Patti Smith
Spell (Live: Portland, Ore., 2001) - Patti Smith
Because The Night (Dj Samuel Kimko Porno Mix) - Patti Smith
Land: Horses / Land of a Thousand Dances / La Mer - Patti Smith
Rock 'n' Roll Nigger - Patti Smith
Wander I Go (1996) - Patti Smith
(encores) Pissing In A River - Patti Smith
25th Floor (Live) - Patti Smith
01GoneAgain - Patti Smith
Babelogue - Patti Smith
Distant fingers (Demo version) - Patti Smith

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