Midgard's cold and hatred reignsHunger and diseaseFenris is set free againChaos is unleashedThe storm of death sweeps the shoresFamine sweep the landTies of kinship is no moreSons die by their father's handTwo men meet on battlegroundTheir eyes are full of hateBy sacred oaths both are boundDeath will be their fateThey share the blood of once proud menYet foes they have becomeOne fights for truth, the other for faithPerish has begunHere comes the - BloodshedIt's the age of - BloodshedHere comes the - BloodshedIt's the age of - BloodshedTwo brothers meet in battle heatBoth will die to dayNo victory and no defeatDeath is their only wayIn their eyes is no remorseThey make their final chargeThrusting their swords with mortal forcePiercing each other's hearts[Lead Mikkonnen]Here comes the - BloodshedIt's the age of - BloodshedHere comes the - BloodshedPrepare for - Bloodshed