ROGERWhat'd you forget?MIMIGot a light?ROGERI know you? -- You're --You're shiveringMIMIIt's nothingThey turned off my heatAnd I'm just a littleWeak on my feetWould you light my candle?What are you staring at?ROGERNothingYour hair in the moonlightYou look familiarCan you make it?MIMIJust haven't eaten much todayAt least the room stopped spinning.Anyway. What?ROGERNothingYour smile reminded me of --MIMII always remind people of -- who is she?ROGERShe died. Her name was AprilMIMIIt's out againSorry about your friendWould you light my candle?ROGERWell --MIMIYeah. Ow!ROGEROh, the wax -- it's --MIMIDripping! I like it -- between my --ROGERFingers. I figured...Oh, well. Goodnight.It blew out again?MIMINo -- I think that I dropped my stashROGERI know I've seen you out and aboutWhen I used to go outYour candle's outMIMII'm illin' --I had it when I walked in the doorIt was pure -- Is it on the floor?ROGERThe floor?MIMIThey say I have the best ass below 14th streetIs it true?ROGERWhat?MIMIYou're staring again.ROGEROh no.I mean you do -- have a nice --I mean -- You look familiarMIMILike your dead girlfriend?ROGEROnly when you smile.But I'm sure I've seen you somewhere else --MIMIDo you go to the Cat Scratch Club?That's where I work - I dance - help me lookROGERYes!They used to tie you up --MIMIIt's a livingROGERI didn't recognize youWithout the handcuffsMIMIWe could light the candleOh won't you light the candle?ROGERWhy don't you forget that stuffYou look like you're sixteenMIMII'm nineteen -- but I'm old for my ageI'm just born to be badROGERI once was born to be badI used to shiver like thatMIMII have no heat -- I told youROGERI used to sweatMIMII got a coldROGERUh huhI used to be a junkieMIMIBut now and then I like to --ROGERUh huhMIMIFeel goodROGERHere it -- um --MIMIWhat's that?ROGERIt's a candy bar wrapperMIMIWe could light the candleMIMIWhat'd you do with my candle?ROGERThat was my last matchMIMIOur eyes'll adjust, thank God for the moonROGERMaybe it's not the moon at allI hear Spike Lee's shooting down the streetMIMIBah humbug ... Bah humbugROGERCold handsMIMIYours too.Big. Like my father'sYou wanna dance?ROGERWith you?MIMINo -- with my fatherROGERI'm RogerMIMIThey call meThey call me Mimi