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Lyricist: The Troggs
Its gonna get hotter before it cools down Summer gets bad in a little southern town Folks get mad and lose their temper And it stays that way till the first of november.
Power blacks out and the town goes dark A man gets knifed for a cutting remark So if you feel like youre about to explode You can let it all out on Nowhere Road.
If I could be anywhere in the world right now Id be on Nowhere Road No one could find me, no one would care But Id be there, yes Id be there.
Nowhere Road, you can hide your face Nowhere Road, where your secret is safe But if you wanna get lost so no one will know Then Nowhere Roads where you gotta go.
Twenty-two men, everyone of them armed Looking to find who was it torched that barn They dont call it revenge, just back porch justice And the women peak out to see what all the fuss is.
Got a suspect hanging from a lower branch Another face down in a muddy trench And the third shot dead in the cab of his Ford Parked due north of Nowhere Road.
If I could be anywhere in the world right now Id be on Nowhere Road No one could find me, no one would care But Id be there, yes Id be there.
Nowhere Road, you can hide your face Nowhere Road, where your secret is safe But if you wanna get lost so no one will know Then Nowhere Roads where you gotta go.
Well the preachermans daughter and the janitors son Had a dangerous romance so theyre on the run Sneeking around to keep it on the sly But her pappa found out and they were caught in her lie.
So they packed a little sack full of pictures and shirts Bid a hasty goodbye as much as it hurts No one saw them disappear cause they didnt leave a note But I thought I saw them running down Nowhere Road.
If I could be anywhere in the world right now Id be on Nowhere Road No one could find me, no one would care But Id be there, yes Id be there.
Nowhere Road, you can hide your face Nowhere Road, where your secret is safe But if you wanna get lost so no one will know Then Nowhere Roads where you gotta go.
Nowhere Road, you can hide your face Nowhere Road, where your secret is safe But if you wanna get lost so no one will know Then Nowhere Roads where you gotta go.
Nowhere Road, Nowhere Road But if you wanna get lost so no one will know Then Nowhere Roads where you gotta go.
Nowhere Road, Nowhere Road Nowhere Road, Nowhere Roads where you gotta go.