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Song:Noapte de noapte
Album: Genres:Manele
Year: Length:227 sec


Inberc in fiecare clipa sufletul sa ti-l ating
Cand nu esti imi este frig, dar fara tine eu ma sting
Vorbele tale imi dau speranta, imi dau putere sa traiesc
Tu esti rostul meu in viata, ma prinzi cand ma prabusesc
Baby-baby, ma prinzi cand ma prabusesc.

Noapte de noapte, zi dupa zi eu stau
Noapte de noapte eu te vreau
Mereu langa mine tu sa fii
Noapte de noapte, zi dupa zi eu stau
Noapte de noapte eu te vreau
Sa fim impreuna zi de zi.

Asculta 'pisi'...
Cand va fi sa-mi fie dor sa stii ca ma gandesc la tine
Fara tine simt ca mor si nu ajung la fericire
Am doar o soapta la ureche, speranta ce-n viata ma tine
Esti sufletul meu pereche
Intr-un cuvant, te ador pe tine.

Intr-un cuvant, te ador pe tďne.



I try in every moment you touch it soul
When you're not my cold, without you I'm off
Your words give me hope, give me strength to live
You are my purpose in life, catch me when I fall
II (x2)
Baby-baby, catch me when I fall.

Night after night, day after day I stand
Night after night I want you
You always beside me to be
Night after night, day after day I stand
Night after night I want you
To be together every day.

Listen to 'pee' ...
When you have to miss to know that I think of you
Without you feel like dying and not reach happiness
I just whisper in your ear, I hope what keeps me alive
You are my soul mate
In a word, I adore you.

IV (x2)
In a word, I adore you.

Chorus: ..


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