I don't talk, the way that you talkI don't walk, the way that you walkI don't see, the way that you seeI don't feel, the way that you feelI don't think, the way that you thinkI don't sing, the way that you singI don't speak, the way that you speakI don't need, the way that you needJe suis qui je suis (I am who I am)Je fais comme je sens (I do as i feel)Je vais essayer (I'm gonna try)De te retrouver (To find you again)I don't talk, the way that you talkI don't walk that way that you walkI don't cry the way that you cryI don't try the way that you tryJe suis qui je suis (I am who I am)Je fais comme je sens (I do as i feel)Je vais essayer (I'm gonna try)De te retrouver (To find you)Tu veux toujours parler (You always wanna talk)Tu n'écoutes jamais (You never listen)Si tu veux m'aimer (If you wanna love me)Pourquoi me changer (Why change me)Je suis qui je suis (I am who I am)Je fais comme je sens (I do as i feel)Je vais essayer (I'm gonna try)De te retrouver (To find you)De te retrouver (To find you)Tu n'écoutes jamais (You never listen)De te retrouver (To find you)Pourquoi me changer (Why change me)