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I heard about this frog It's a very tiny frog But it's also very special You can only find it in the jungle So far away from me But if you find it and if you touch it Your world can change forever
If you touch its skin You can feel your body changing And your vision also And blue becomes red and red becomes blue And your mommy suddenly becomes your daddy And everything looks like a giant cupcake
And you keep laughing and laughing and laughing Nothing is ever quite the same really And after you finish laughing It's time to turn into a frog yourself It's very funny to be a frog You can dive into the water And cross the rivers and the oceans And you can jump all the time and everywhere Do you want to play with me?
We can be a whole group of friends A whole group of frogs Jumping into the streets Jumping into the planet Climbing up the buildings Swimming in the lakes and in the bathtubs We would be hundreds, thousands, millions The biggest group of friends the world has ever seen Jumping and laughing forever It would be great, right?