12.342 Just 12.574 how 13.178 far15.167 Does 15.399 the 15.608 un15.817 i16.003 verse 16.398 go18.371 Does 18.604 it 18.789 ev19.207 er 19.556 end21.390 You 21.576 say 21.785 you 21.939 wan22.310 na 22.589 know25.166 Just 25.398 how 25.979 high28.371 Can 28.766 you 28.998 count31.366 Be31.551 fore 31.923 the 32.155 num32.527 bers34.686 All 35.151 run 35.452 out37.558 Who 37.976 built 38.370 the 38.765 pyr39.346 a39.949 mids40.707 Do 41.125 al41.496 i41.938 ens 42.588 ex43.145 ist43.936 Where 44.725 does 45.143 God 45.747 come 46.351 from47.140 One 47.512 more 47.883 phe48.324 nom48.998 e49.578 non50.594 But 50.803 if 51.174 you 51.406 know53.519 How 53.914 strong 54.742 my 55.369 love 55.973 is57.150 And 57.382 your 57.939 heart59.959 And 1:00.354 mine 1:00.726 can 1:01.144 com1:01.817 pre1:02.374 hend1:03.582 Just 1:03.814 how 1:04.394 long1:06.345 I'm 1:06.739 gon1:07.134 na 1:07.552 feel 1:08.202 like 1:08.806 this1:09.944 Then 1:10.222 you'll 1:10.780 know1:13.135 What 1:13.483 in1:13.910 fin1:14.328 i1:14.584 ty 1:15.234 is1:16.372 Then 1:16.557 you'll 1:17.208 know1:25.938 They 1:26.194 say 1:26.728 time1:28.794 Goes 1:29.166 on 1:29.584 and 1:29.816 on1:32.367 E1:32.785 ven 1:33.017 af1:33.389 ter 1:35.572 we're 1:35.850 all 1:36.361 gone1:38.715 There's 1:39.110 a 1:39.412 black 1:39.876 hole1:42.013 Up 1:42.245 in 1:42.732 space1:45.031 That 1:45.194 even 1:45.983 light 1:48.352 can't 1:48.757 es1:49.012 cape1:51.149 Who 1:51.520 built 1:51.892 the 1:52.333 pyr1:52.960 a1:53.540 mids1:54.376 Do 1:54.748 al1:55.119 i1:55.537 ens 1:56.164 ex1:56.675 ist1:57.534 Where 1:58.360 does 1:58.755 God 1:59.359 come 1:59.986 from2:00.775 One 2:01.193 more 2:01.588 phe2:01.947 nom2:02.667 e2:03.177 non2:04.187 But 2:04.373 if 2:04.745 you 2:05.046 know2:07.113 How 2:07.485 strong 2:08.320 my 2:08.994 love 2:09.621 is2:10.782 And 2:10.991 your 2:11.548 heart2:13.568 And 2:13.940 mine 2:14.311 can 2:14.752 com2:15.356 pre2:15.983 hend2:17.167 Just 2:17.376 how 2:17.933 long2:19.930 I'm 2:20.325 gon2:20.743 na 2:21.161 feel 2:21.742 like 2:22.345 this2:23.553 Then 2:23.762 you'll 2:24.365 know2:26.734 What 2:27.152 in2:27.547 fin2:27.988 i2:28.197 ty 2:28.754 is2:29.961 Then 2:30.170 you'll 2:30.751 know2:35.975 They'll 2:36.300 find 2:36.742 some 2:36.951 an2:37.430 swers2:39.965 To 2:40.197 all 2:40.754 those 2:41.149 mys2:41.521 ter2:41.753 ies2:42.380 But 2:42.658 they 2:43.123 won't 2:43.587 under2:44.108 stand2:45.943 What's 2:46.337 be2:46.546 tween 2:47.521 you 2:47.916 and 2:48.171 me2:48.729 Who 2:49.147 built 2:49.495 the 2:49.890 pyr2:50.540 a2:51.143 mids2:51.956 Do 2:52.328 al2:52.699 i2:53.140 ens 2:53.767 ex2:54.325 ist2:55.161 Where 2:55.954 does 2:56.372 God 2:56.999 come 2:57.533 from2:58.322 One 2:58.717 more 2:59.112 phe2:59.553 nom3:00.250 e3:00.737 non3:01.945 If 3:02.316 you 3:02.571 know3:04.731 How 3:05.181 strong 3:05.948 my 3:06.528 love 3:07.155 is3:08.339 And 3:08.595 your 3:09.175 heart3:11.172 And 3:11.567 mine 3:11.915 can 3:12.356 com3:12.983 pre3:13.587 hend3:14.748 Just 3:15.003 how 3:15.537 long3:17.511 I'm 3:17.906 gon3:18.347 na 3:18.742 feel 3:19.369 like 3:19.949 this3:21.203 Then 3:21.435 you'll 3:21.969 know3:24.408 What 3:24.714 in3:25.109 fin3:25.550 i3:25.782 ty 3:26.386 is3:27.570 Then 3:27.779 you'll 3:28.337 know3:33.979 Then 3:34.211 you'll 3:34.745 know3:37.558 What 3:37.996 love 3:38.623 is