Twisting limbs untill they breakContortions wrenching painJoints are hyperextendedOppositeFibrous tendons snapBentBackwards and brokenHateful physical controlOpposite waysElbows bend and popFingers crackingConnective tissue tornUnrelenting warping strainKnees are shatteredSinew ripped from boneAnkles give wayBack is archingSpinal pressure buildsTotal collapsePredacious entanglement, form is distortedGrotesque rearrangement, body contortedSplintering bones causing internal bleedingAbundance of injuries, pain is exceedingEvery joint in the body is turned the wrong wayA debt to the nemesis forcibly paidArching the backVertebrae crackFracture the spineCan't realign[Solo Jack Owen]Torque on the neckStructure is wreckedAmorphous blobAn end to macabreA torturous lesson in physical termsThe only way some people learnStretching the body in every directionForcing the joints unnatural flexion[Solo Pat O'Brien]Twisting limbs until they breakContortions wrenching painBentBentBentBackwards and broken