She was the worst looking woman to ever grace this county And I was the lonliest man in the whole damn world But I had me a fool-proof plan That I learned from my old man I knew right soon she'd be my kind of girl
I admit at first I didn't even want that woman near me She looked like she'd been beaten up with a rake But as I gulped down another round I said Hey, woman, hang around You're gettin better looking with every drink I take
'Cause I can drink any woman pretty Just give me a bottle and a little time She may look like an ugly old heffer right now But one more round and that woman's gonna look just fine
She was worse than Oprah Winfrey when I first me her She had floppy ears and a big old busted nose It was kinda hard to ignore that woman's crooked and yellow teeth And them slobby old smelly mismatched dime-store clothes
But Johnnie Walker spiced up her wardrobe And Mervyn's straightened out that busted nose A couple of vodka shots added a little bit of dental work Next thing you know I'm sitting next to Marilyn Monroe
'Cause I can drink any woman pretty Just give me a bottle and a little time
She may look like an ugly old heffer right now But one more round and that woman's gonna look just fine (Repeat)