What solace lies in the arms of fate-The ill embrace of uncertaintyWhen did I leave this in other hands-To be pulled down at chanceRipped away by destiny-clawsAm I another of fate's possessionsDwelling the lie of freedomJust another straw pulled at randomReclaimed by deceiving timeA silent judgment I can not overruleDrawn back into the origin-vortexUprooted and ground to dustRetracted into anti-existenceA magnet repelled by life's polarityDenied the self control of fatewe flow suspended in semi-lifeUntil the ever imminent daywhen oblivion claims our breathNowhere indefinitely. Not dead, not alive Existence-patterns ripped of symmetry. As will andfate divideHave I appeased the gods of fateAm I allowed another dayMust I die to escapethe scanning eyes of death