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Make a song, song maker Sing of love, sweet love. Do not make it a shaker, Make it move from above.
Sing it strong and gentle, Sing it sweet and low. Let the words be simple So that all may know
The dignity of man, Sing of the dignity of man, Sing of the dignity of man.
Sing of proud black brother, Sing of pale-faced son. Sing of the joys of a mother, She's the mother of everyone.
You got red blood rivers Rushing through your veins. You got hearts that quiver Full of love's sweet pain.
Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man.
Make a dream, dream weaver,
Full of hope and praise. Sing of the joyful, Sing of the joyful sadness Of this human play.
Oh, gather all men's wishes, Show them to be one. Sing of God's great glory For the humbled hearted one.
Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man Sing of the dignity of man...
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