the english hate the irish the arabs hate the jew the whole world's got its black man in a pinch the cowboys hate the indians the chinese hate 'em too the french hate everyone but that's just part of being french
now your spaniard loves a bullfight and your russian loves a trial italians love his holiness because he dresses real snappy and the germans like a good old fashioned war every once in a while and we americans love everyone we keep the whole world laughing
yes we're just one big happy family 'neath the sun all full of you and me and he and she and it and everyone oh it's a wacky zany place that we come from we call it heaven please take your shoes off don't ask no questions are you having fun?
now the thin ones laugh at fat ones and the smart ones laugh at fools you know that everyone thinks somebody else is funny the hot laugh at the cold the old are laughing at the new and six-gun yassir and bokassa and the rockefellers laugh at everybody
still it's just one big happy family 'neath the sun it's all full of you and me and he and she and it and everyone gosh it's a goofy loony place that we come from me/i ain't laughin' in fact i'm leavin' you keep the car dear i still don't need it don't tell the children don't tell the germans don't tell the rockefellers don't tell no one