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Lyricist: The Afghan Whigs
Got u where I want u Motherfucker I got 5ive up on your dime And if u wanna peep on something Peep what I got stuck between Your eyes And since I don't believe A word u say Save it for another, baby brother Swallow time 2 pay
Up on the ladder they sing How high? Does a brother have to climb 2 touch the light
But wait 'till I get done With u If u tell me 'Don't get mixed up with the Devil' That's exactly What I'm gonna do
Caught u while u waited For your boy 2 come And fix u up again Come a little closer, baby I only wanna try 2 Be your friend Since I ain't got nothing Left 2 lose Got u where I want u Motherfucker Don't u try 2 move
Up on the ladder they sing How high? Does a brother have 2 climb 2 touch the light Won't u take me up there With u? U said u would No one ever could shake That ladder like I could
So I wait