MARK'Hi. Mark Cohen for Buzzline... Back to you Alexi. Coming up, vampire welfare queens who are compulsive bowlers.'Oh God, what am I doing?Don't breathe too deepDon't think all dayDive into workDrive the other wayThat drip of hurtThat pint of shameGoes awayJust play the gameYou're living in AmericaAt the end of the milleniumYou're living in AmericaLeave your conscience at the toneAnd when you're living in AmericaAt the end of the milleniumYou're what you ownROGERThe filmmaker cannot seeMARKAnd the songwriter cannot hearROGERYet I see Mimi everywhereMARKAngel's voice is in my earROGERJust tighten those shouldersMARKJust clench your jaw til you frownROGERJust don't let goBOTHOr you may drownYou're living in AmericaAt the end of the milleniumYou're living in AmericaWhere it's like the twilight zoneAnd when you're living in AmericaAt the end of the milleniumYou're what you ownSo I own not a notionI escaoe an ape contentI don't own emotion- I rentMARKWhat was it about that nightROGERWhat was it about that nightBOTHConnection- In an isolatiing ageMARKFor once the shadows gave way to lightROGERFor once the shadows gave way to lightBOTHFor once I didn't disengageMARKAngel- I hear you- I hear itI see it- I see itMy song!MARK (On the phone) ROGERAlexi- Mark One song-gloryCall me a hypocrite MimiI need to finish myOwn film Your EyesI quit!BOTHDying in AmericaAt the end of the milleniumWe're dying in AmericaTo come into our ownAnd when you're dying in AmericaAt the end of the milleniumYou're not aloneI'm not aloneI'm not alone