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**lf****lf****lf**I was hangin'' ''round town, just spendin'' my time**lf**Out of a job, not earnin'' a dime**lf**A feller steps up and he said, ''I suppose**lf**You''re a bronc fighter from looks of your clothes.''**lf**''You figures me right, I''m a good one.'' I claim**lf**''Do you happen to have any bad ones to tame?''**lf**Said ''He''s got one, a bad one to buck**lf**At throwin'' good riders, he''s had lots of luck.''**lf****lf**I gets all het up and I ask what he pays**lf**To ride this old nag for a couple of days**lf**He offered me ten; I said, ''I''m your man,**lf**A bronc never lived that I couldn''t span.''**lf**He said: ''Get your saddle, I''ll give you a chance''**lf**In his buckboard we hopped and he drives to the ranch**lf**I stayed ''til mornin'' and right after chuck**lf**I stepped out to see if this outlaw can buck.**lf****lf**Down in the horse corral standin'' alone**lf**Is an old Caballo, a Strawberry Roan**lf**His legs are all spavined, he''s got pigeon toes**lf**Little pig eyes and a big Roman nose**lf**Little pin ears that touched at the tip**lf**A big 44 brand was on his left hip**lf**U-necked and old, with a long, lower jaw**lf**I could see with one eye, he''s a regular outlaw.**lf****lf**I gets the blinds on ''im and it sure is a fright**lf**Next comes the saddle and I screws it down tight**lf**Then I steps on ''im and I raises the blinds**lf**Get outta the way boys, he''s gonna unwind**lf**He sure is a frog-walker, he heaves a big sigh**lf**He only lacks wings, for to be on the fly**lf**He turns his old belly right up to the sun**lf**He sure is a sun-fishin'', son-of-a-gun.**lf****lf**He''s about the worst bucker I''ve seen on the range**lf**He''ll turn on a Nickel and give you some change**lf**He hits on all fours and goes up on high**lf**Leaves me a spinnin'' up there in the sky**lf**I turns over twice and I comes back to earth**lf**I lights in a cussin'' the day of his birth**lf**I know there are ponies that I cannot ride**lf**There''s some of them left, they haven''t all died.**lf****lf**I''ll bet all my money, the man ain''t alive**lf**That''ll stay with Old Strawberry**lf**When he makes his high dive.
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