Lyricist: Björk, Mike Patton, Gregory Purnhagen with The Icelandic Choir
Where is the line with you where is the -- line - with you where is the line with you where is the -- line - with you
My purse wide open you ask again I see the crime and cash into accounts everywhere
Where is the line with you where is the line -- with you where is the -- line - with you where is the -- line with you
I want to be flexible I want to go out of my way for you but enough is enough
Where is the line with you where is the -- line with you where is the line with you where is the -- line - with you
I am elastic I want to go out of my way for you I want to help help you
Where is the line with you where is the line - with you where is the -- line - with you where is the -- line - with you
I want to have capacity for you and be elastic love to be elastic e-la-stic for
Where is the line with you where is the -- line with you where is the line with you where is the line with you where is the line - with you where -- is the line with you
I'm elastic for you but enough is enough
Where is the line with you where -- is the line with you where is the -- line with you oh