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and by the way you now that hope will make you strange make you blink make you blank make you sink it will make you afraid of change and often blame the box with the view of the world and the ones that fill the frame i turn it up then i turn it off because i can't stand when they start to talk about the hurting and killing whose shoes are we filling the damage and ruin man the things that we're doing we gotta stop, we gotta turn it all off we gotta rewind and start it up again
because we fell across the fall line ain't there nothing sacred any more
somebody saw him jump but nobody saw him slip i guess he lost a lot of hope and then he lost his grip now he's lying in the freeway in the middle of this mess guess we lost another one optimistic hypocrite that didn't habe the nerve to quit the things that kept him wanting more until he finally reached the core
he fell across the fall line ain't there nothing sacred any more