ce se aude mai badie cinta sirba la chindie cinta fete si flacai,cintati sirba sus cu noi hai cu totii sa cintam si la chef sa ne distram hai cu totii sa cintam si la chef sa ne distram
iuauzi una ia auzi doua i-auzi patruzecisinoua si la stinga si la dreapta n-o lasa saruta fata of iaideuna si aide doua siaide trei sa ii dam batai of iaideuna si aide doua siaide trei sa ii dam batai heii heii hauua hauua
nu lasa sirba sa rupa,joaca fata si o saruta saruta-o de doua orio ca te iubeste de mori hai cu totii sa cintam si la chef sa ne distram hai cu totii sa cintam si la chef sa ne distram
iuauzi una ia auzi doua i-auzi patruzecisinoua si la stinga si la dreapta n-o lasa saruta fata of iaideuna si aide doua siaide trei sa ii dam batai of iaideuna si aide doua siaide trei sa ii dam batai heii heii hauua hauua
nu lasa sirba sa rupa,joaca fata si o saruta saruta-o de doua orio ca te iubeste de mori
nu lasa sirba sa rupa,joaca fata si o saruta saruta-o de doua orio ca te iubeste de mori hai cu totii sa cintam si la chef sa ne distram hai cu totii sa cintam si la chef sa ne distram
iuauzi una ia auzi doua i-auzi patruzecisinoua si la stinga si la dreapta n-o lasa saruta fata of iaideuna si aide doua siaide trei sa ii dam batai of iaideuna si aide doua siaide trei sa ii dam batai heii heii
hauua hauua hauua hauua
Sounds that Badia Serbian singing the chindie girls and lads sing, sing up with new Serbian let's all sing and feel like fun let's all sing and feel like fun
listen take a second and hear hear patruzecisinoua left and right and not let her kiss the girl of come one and aide to give him two siaide three beats of come one and aide to give him two siaide three beats heii heii hauua hauua
do not let Serbian to break, playing to a kiss kissing her two loves Orio as mills let's all sing and feel like fun let's all sing and feel like fun
llisten take a second and hear hear patruzecisinoua left and right and not let her kiss the girl of come one and aide to give him two siaide three beats of icome one and aide to give him two siaide three beats heii heii hauua hauua
do not let Serbian to break, playing to a kiss kissing her two loves Orio as mills
do not let Serbian to break, playing to a kiss kissing her two loves Orio as mills let's all sing and feel like fun let's all sing and feel like fun
listen take a second and hear hear patruzecisinoua left and right and not let her kiss the girl of icome one and aide to give him two siaide three beats of icome one and aide to give him two siaide three beats heii heii