Saapui hn keskelle hvityksen
kyln ammoin niin rauhaisaan.
Katot hehkuivat vreiss liekkien
ja veri rakkaiden peitti maan.
Vihan nostatti ja kiiri taivaisiin.
Niin moni lieni jo tiell tuonelaan
vaan he viel' ei veisi hnt mukanaan.
Vaik' joukkonsa hn kokosi liki lydyist,
yksin raivonsa vavahdutti julmaa vastusta.
Kai satakunta ruumista hn polki allensa,
armoa ken sai kohtas' vain kirveen kaulalla.
'Miekantert vapauttakaa,
kostuttakaa kylm rautaa!
Suokaa heille vihastanne,
hukuttakaa hurmeen virtaan!'
'Kilpien taa piiloutukaa,
pelkurit jo perntyk!
Ohitsemme jos mielitte
viimeinenkin hautaan saattakaa!'
Harvatpa kertomaan sstyivt,
siksi veri yltyi virtaamaan.
Niin vain aika koitti mys sankarin
kirjailtu miekka kourassaan
(vaan mies taipumaton veljet rinnallaan
tarustoissa el ainiaan).
[English translation:]
Amongst such ravage he arrived,
to a village once so calm.
Rooftops glowing the colours of flame
and the blood of the beloved on the ground.
Such anger did it raise to echo through all skies.
To beyond so many may have travelled
but not yet they were to take him along.
'though gathering his forces from those nearly defeated,
alone it was his rage that shook the cruel enemy.
Hundreds of corpses he trampled underfoot,
his axe on their necks as a display of mercy.
'Blades of your swords shall be set free,
iron so cold shall now redden!
Grant them a glimpse of your hatred,
drown them into the streams of gore!'
'Behind your shields you shall now hide,
all you cowards better flee!
Should you past us desire to walk,
our last man standing you m
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