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Look Up And There You Are dancing Alone In The Stars getting Too Close But So Far Away Now
look What You've Almost Missed a Transcendental Kiss the Universal Bliss Inside You
only You Can Make It Better only You Know How you're Beautiful, So Be Who You Are Now
so When Are You Coming Down from Your Castle Made Of Clouds your Karma Will Come Back Around And Around
only You Can Make It Better only You Know How you're Beautiful, So Be Who You Are Now
lucid And You're Caught In A Dream trying To Scream
let Them In, Let Them Out then Let Them Go it's An Evolution Revolution now You Know
the Magic Will Begin as Without, Within 'cause Everything Is Always Changing
only You Can Make It Better only You Know How you're Beautiful, So Be Who You Are Now
look Up And There You Are dancing Alone In The Stars getting Too Close But So Far Away Now