fast beat the feetfast fall the handsfast beat the feetfast fall the handsmeld in the musicthe music of drumsmeld in the musicthe music of drumschoose the fast beatchoose the hard linechoose the fast beatchoose the hard linetry to show us one betternot sick to the heartnot calling with fleshsuffer little childrensuffer little childrensuffer little childrenwritten in painboys at onegirls at peaceboys at onegirls at peaceboys at onegirls at peaceboys at onegirls at peacefast beat the feetfast fall the handsfast beat the feetfast fall the handshold onto rhythmthe music of drumshold onto rhythmthe music of drumsthe pulse is alivemaking me sanelet your body learnlet your body buildlet your body learnlet your body buildsuffer little childrensuffer little childrensuffer little childrenthe pulse is alivefast beat the feetfast fall the handsboys at onegirls at peaceboys at onegirls at peaceboys at onegirls at peaceboys at onegirls at peacefreedom from feargiving releasefreedom from feargiving releasegiving releasegiving your heartfast beating feetfast falling handsfast beating feetfast falling handsfast beat the feetfast fall the handschoosefast beat the feet (learn)choosefast beat the feet (learn)feelchooselet your body learnlet your body buildlet your body learnlet your body buildchooselearnbuildchooselearnbuildchooselearnbuildchoose