1.Actorul a iesit īn strada Sa-si cumpere ceva salam Era īn haine de parada Ca voievod peste un neam Printre masini printre tramvaie Actorul se grabea firesc Urma sa vina-un nor de ploaie Perucile se dezlipesc
Refren:O biet actor O biet artist Rolurile mor Viata e un teatru trist
2.Si cānd s-a asezat la coada Cu palos mantie si scut Deodata oamenii din strada Ca voievod l-au cunoscut S-au dat deoparte cu sfiala Multimea toata murmura Vazāndu-i hainele de gala Sa ne traiesti maria-ta
3.Republicani ma rog cu totii Descoperisera alt mod De-a da cuvānt la noi emotii Si se-nchinau la voievod Dar ploaia a venit deoadata Si ei vazānd cu ochii lor Īntreaga-i fata demachiata I-au aruncat un fel de plata Lasatļ-l dracu e-un actor
The actor came out in street To buy some salami It was the clothes parade As ruler over a nation Some cars among trams The actor hurried naturally Was coming a rain cloud Wigs come off
Chorus: A poor actor A poor artist roles die Life is a sad theater
2.Si when he lined up Broadsword and shield to cloak Suddenly people from the street As prince knew him They gave away the shyness The crowd murmured over Seeing his clothes gala Live maria-ta
I pray all 3.Republicani Otherwise discovered The word give us emotions And the prince-bow But the rain came on one screen And her seeing eye to eye Her whole face cleansed I threw some kind of payment Leave it the hell is an actor