I wanna ride the hydraulics Lit up like the North Star I wanna wallow in the spoils before the crowd I wanna play my guitar Not gonna sit up and beg Not gonna do tricks Not gonna stand here on a sound stage Tethered to a crucifix
The ride's over I know But I'm not ready to go
I wanna flash my pastel colors by the rail On a windy day at Pimlico Don't want to write songs with this clown they set me up with In a Los Angeles rehearsal studio
Not gonna tour with Trent Reznor Third of three, bottom of the bill You can't pay me to make that kind of music Not gonna swallow that pill
The ride's over I know But I'm not ready to go
Maybe dad is right I'm still young And I can write C++ just as good as anyone I know this guy at Lucasarts He says they're looking for hands In fifteen years I'll be throwing back beers With my feet in the sand LyricsFreak