ROGERWhere were you?MIMII'm sorry I'm late...ROGERI know, You lost your keys. No, you went for a walk; youhad to help your mother. And how's Benny? I'm gonnaupstairs tonight.MIMIThat's Not...I Should Tell YouI Should...Never mind...ROGERHappy Spring(Roger leaves.)MIMIWithout YouThe Ground ThawsThe Rain FallsThe Grass GrowsWithout YouThe Seeds RootThe Flowers BloomThe Children PlayThe Stars GleamThe Eagles FlyWithout YouThe Earth TurnsThe Sun BurnsBut I DieWithout YouWithout YouThe Breeze WarmsThe Girls SmilesThe Cloud MovesWithout YouThe Tides ChangeThe Oceans CrashThe Crowd RoarsThe Days SoarThe Babies CryWithout YouThe Moon GlowsThe River FlowsBut I DieWithout YouROGERThe World RevivesMIMIColors RenewBOTHBut I KnowOnly BlueLonely BlueWithin Me, BlueWithout YouMIMIWithout YouThe Hand GropesThe Ear HearsThe Pulse BeatsROGERWithout YouThe Eyes GazeThe Legs WalkThe Lungs BreatheBOTHThe Mind ChurnsThe Heart YearnsThe Tears DryWithout YouLife Goes OnBut I'm GoneCause I DieROGERWithout YouMIMIWithout YouROGERWithout YouBOTHWithout You