What angels found then lost again So big and round, such rare and sensuous blue Lady Aberlin's muumuu
A sweet repose, a place to hide Where I suppose the world outside isn't true Lady Aberlin's muumuuu
Can such a vision be real? What do your flowers conceal? Who knows what secret things your softer side has seen? Shaped like a lady is shaped Over her shoulders are draped Stretches of heaven, Earth and all the worlds between
I wander somewhere in or out of make believe And dream about the world I'm leaving for you Lady Aberlin's muumuuu
Can such a vision be real? What do your flowers conceal? Who knows what secret things your softer side has seen? Shaped like a lady is shaped Over her shoulders are draped Stretches of heaven, Earth and all the worlds between
I wander somewhere in or out of make believe And dream about the world I'm leaving for you Lady Aberlin's muumuuu