Back And Forth by 'CAMEO'There's a special kind of personsometimes she's not all she seemsyou only see what she wants you to seeand before you really knowit always seems to goBack & forth 8x (Our love goes)Take your chances if you will (those looks can kill)It'll make you go round & aroundYou got to know it by nowthat the truth isyou just can't winloves funny like thatIt'll make you blow your capsacrifice everything and moneylove has no guarantee'sand always will it beback & forth 16 xtake stabs dip and dabforever tryin to find your wayit's a sellers lamentfor all the love you spentyou must have thought it was a bottomless pityou can't do it like thatlove will show you where it's atwhat you put up you'll surely get backcause there's no other wayif you play you'll payback & forth 8xguitar sololove has no guarantee'sand always will it beback & forth 16 x out