(In background you hear violins playing the jingle of a very well-known food company commercial often aired in Italy)(Some knight:) 'Un brindisi!' (A toast!)(King:) 'Ciambellano!' (Seneschal / Master of Ceremonies!)(Seneschal:) 'Si, vostra Altezza!' (Yes, my Lord?)(K:) 'UN happy meal!' (A Happy Meal!)(S:) 'Come vuole, ecco.' (Sure. Here you are.)(K:) 'Coff.. gouggh...' (Coughs)(S:) 'Sire!'(K:) 'Ma questo happy meal... freddo!' (But.... this Happy Meal... is COLD!)(S:) 'Ma, vostsra altezza...' (But... Sir...)(K:) 'Ma questo happy meal... fa schifo!' (But.... this Happy Meal... SUCKS!)(S:) 'Ma...' (But...)(K:) 'DECAPITATELO!' (Decapitate him!)