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This is the riddle of life This is the riddle of my heart Com si, com si, coma joha Com si, com si, coma johaoh Com si, si coma joha Com si coma joha This is the way you touch me This is the riddle of my heart
This is the riddle of life This is the riddle of my heart Com si, com si, coma joha Com si, com si, coma johaoh Com si, si coma joha Com si coma joha This is the way you touch me This is the riddle of my heart Com si, coma joha
Come take it easy, steady and slow Come take it easy, steady and slow Come take it easy, steady and slow
This is the riddle of my heart It's easier than you know It's easier than you know Come take it easy, steady and slow This is the riddle of my heart Com si, com si coma joha Come take it easy, steady and slow Come take it easy, steady and slow This is the riddle of my heart It's easier than you know It's easier than you know Come take it easy, steady and slow This is the riddle of life
Com si, com si coma joha This is the riddle of life This is the riddle of my heart Com si, com si coma joha This is the riddle of life
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