(Traditional, arranged by G. Johnson)Instrumental - but just in case you want to sing it loud:O Canada!Our home and native landTrue patriot loveIn all our sons commandWith glowing heartsWe see thee riseThe True North, strong and freeFrom far and wideO CanadaWe stand on guard for theeGod keep our landGlorious and freeO Canada we stand on guard for thee!O Canada we stand on guard for thee!FrancaiseO Canada!Terre de nos aïeuxTon front est ceintDe fleurons glorieuxCar ton brasSait porter l'épéeIl sait porter la croixTon histoireEst une épopéeDes plus brillants exploitsEt ta valeurDe foi trempéeProtégera nos foyers et nos droitsProtégera nos foyers et nos droits