(PERON has just won a sweeping victory in the 1946 Presidential Election. This is the first public appearance by PERON and EVA since that triumph. Action takes place both inside and outside on the balcony of the Casa Rosada - the pink Presidential Palace in Buenos Aires.)
CHE People of Argentina! Your newly elected President-- Juan Peron!
(The CROWD begins to chant 'Peron! Peron!')
PERON Argentinos! Argentinos! We are all workers now! Fighting against our common enemies-- Poverty, social injustice, foreign domination of our industries! Reaching for our common goals-- Our independence, our dignity, our pride! Let the world know that our great nation is awakening and that its heart beats in the humble bodies of Juan Peron--and his wife, the first lady of Argentina, Eva Duarte de Peron!
(The CROWD by now are beginning to chant 'Evita! Evita!')