Mangled and disfiguredScorched and water soakedRuined, wrecked and ravishedCrumpled burnt and shatteredBent out of proportionCrushed into contortionSmashed and left in piecesNothing left intactCasualty affects the human raceAir travel turns to a disgraceFly the friendly skiesGruesome way to dieWith the ground collideDown the bodies comeLoss of our loved onesSurvivors there are noneOn a hijacked planeDead if you complainBullet in your brain30.000 feetThrown out with your seatSoon the ground you greetCasualty affects the human raceAir travel turns to a disgraceFly the friendly skiesGruesome way to dieWith the ground collideDown the bodies comeLoss of our loved onesSurvivors there are noneGo through their walletsWe don't give a shitLets find the luggage