Goodbye my honey, farewell my baby Don't look for me around convention time I'm bound for Tampa, in the great state of Florida To see some distinguished friends of mine
Mitt and Rick and the pitbulls, the jolly ride and step forth To the highest bidder each will guarantee I'd give all my money sir if Palin calls me honey And shakes the peaches off my tree
'Cause I'm goin' to Tampa in the morning Got my credentials in my overalls But I can't take you with me little darling I'm going down to get my asses hauled
Well here's a proposition to entertain a motion Bring back Willie Horton to us now We'll spook the congregation and petrify the nation And blame the folks from Mexico somehow
And let me introduce a man who all know well He can play a very important role State rights is his game, Jim Crow is his name And Jim's our little ace in the hole
'Cause I'm goin' to Tampa in the morning Saints of latter days will heed the call We'll shout hallelujah in the evening I'm going down to get my asses hauled
Well the NRA woman told the tea party man Gonna make love to you with a gun in my hand That tea party man said, that's all right Got a smoking bomb under my pillow at night
Well we're all going to Tampa in the morning Honey will you miss me when I'm gone Now hope you pack my old bed sheet I'm going down to get my asses hauled
Yes, I'm goin' to Tampa in the morning Honey will you miss me when I'm gone Now hope you pack my old bed sheet 'Cause I'm going down to get my asses hauled