When I Needed An Angel All-4-One Ooohh Yeahh Ooohh Ohhh What can i say when i cant find the words to possibly explain what im feeling inside i tried to blieve my hope got flattanned everyday you past me by then you came in my life and now i am living proof of what the gift of pure love can do
when i needed an agel it was you who made the sacrifice just in the nick of time when i needed an angel i didnt have to look to the sky because you made me realise you where right here all the time x3
sometimes i cry when i think about everything youve done for me and i still cant believe that i can live my life every breath i take i take for you and me, thats a promise ill keep and each night i think of you and how your gift of love pulled me through
when i needed an agel it was you who made the sky divide just in the nick of time when i needed an angel i needednt have to look to the sky because you made me realise you where right here all the time x3
maybe one day everyone will say that i wanna be somebodys angel and i will tell the world about this miracle every moment im awake i give the love you gave angel
when i needed an agel it was you who made the sky divide just in the nick of time when i needed an angel i needednt have to look to the sky because you made me realise you where right here all the time x3 [ Edit ] [ Search Google ] [ Configure ]