I Have Decidedi Have Resolvedto Wait Upon You Lordmy Rock And Redeemershield And Rewardi'll Wait Upon You Lordas Surely As The Sun Will Riseyou'll Come To Uscertain As The Dawn Appearsyou'll Comelet Your Glory Fall As You Respond To Usspirit Rainflood Into Our Thirsty Hearts Againyou'll Comeyou'll Comewe Are Not Shakenwe Are Not Movedwe Wait Upon You Lordmighty Deliverertriumph And Truthwe Wait Upon You Lordas Surely As The Sun Will Riseyou'll Come To Uscertain As Your Word Enduresyou'll Comelet Your Glory Fall As You Respond To Usspirit Rainflood Into Our Thirsty Hearts Againyou'll Comeyou'll Comechains Be Brokenlives Be Healedeyes Be Openedchrist Is Revealed