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Song:It's Over Now
Album:Leave Luck To HeavenGenres:Electronic/Trance/Hiphop/Hiphop
Year: Length:342 sec


Is this the right thing
Your thoughts are too alone
I’ll drown my sorrows for you to stay strong
Please be the right thing my love we’ve got 2 hours
'til we drop them home over
I can get over now
Sometime, sometime I’ll show you how I don’t want to feel
Why, why can’t we work things out
I’ll do it for you since you told me so
Just reload the cannon and watch me explode
Patience a virtue just creeping on top
Kill all those faggots and move on don’t stop
Over, I thinks it's over now
Sometime, sometime I’ll show you how
I don’t want to feel left out
Oh I why can’t we work things out
An awning built on a crest
Fight in my chest
Exploding around me the planes overhead
The passion of fleeing
Or marching to death


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