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Lyricist: Peter Sellers
They say that I'm too old I guess I'm coming up for nine Me curly hair is getting thin - it's all them women and wine But I'm oh so ashamed It's been three weeks since I had A record in the top twenty pops
It hurts me when I thinks as how at eight I was top of the pole They screamed every time I just opened me mouth and rocked in the aisles with me roll Now I'm oh so ashamed They all say me discs are flops 'Cause I haven't got a record in the top twenty pops
I've tried ooh-aahs and I've giggled I've rocked it and I've skiffled I've sung an old song and not no one could make out a word It's the truth I've clapped me hands till the blood run I've had echoes till me head spun Till me head spun Till me head spun But they say you're too old, too long in the tooth Give us youth
I've had me breakdown in the papers Dyed me hair a luminous green I've wobbled me hips in sexy-like capers And me sideboards meet under me chin But I'm oh so ashamed It's been three weeks since I had A record in the top twenty pops
I've held high notes, real classy Till me eyes went all glassy I've sung a duet with meself - nearly ruptured me throat I've tried humming and hot drumming I've broke ten guitars with me strumming But it always turns out some Charlie has done it before
What's the matter with me platters They say I should try a new kick But me nerves is hanging in tatters I've done me nut till I'm fair off me wick And I'm oh so ashamed It's been three weeks since I had A record in the top twenty pops Me discs are slipping I haven't got a record in the top twenty pops Please buy this record. Please!