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It is finished, It is finished Tetelesti The beauty of the double meaning phrase He ceased from His labor and so have I Now resting only in His grace
It is finished, it is finished Tetelesti The Son of Man succeeding where I failed The wrath of God now satisfied In Jesus, my Emmanuel
It is done, He's alive And He is able to bring us life In three days, He will rise Tetelesti
It is finished, it is finished Tetelesti My hope found in the Savior's words alone He willingly laid down His life And gloriously He rolled away the stone
It is finished it is finished Tetelesti No longer need I labor for His love For Christ fulfilling the law of God Was deemed by God to be enough
It is finished, It is finished Tetelesti The wedding bells of freedom now ring Your sons and daughters will testify Now to you, Jesus, we will sing We will sing
On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand