Horsehair vase You ain't gonna fuck me down I will run you out of town on yourverylast horsehair legs
Outerspace It's where I'm gonna be rightnow Isn't it amazing how I've been lying on the ground_all_day?
It's_hard when you're_cold and you_live in the middle of the country Like an animal dropped right where it's not supposed to be I'm never ever gonna live again in the middle of the country I can't handle it This desert is me
Hairless ape Now you're feeling all the feelings now And the weight is overbearing down on your ugly little newborn pain Newborn pain
And it sucks to say goodbye to people you realize are your family Kinda weird to say hi to people you said bye to before It's hard to say hello, and it's hard to say no, hard to not just disappear So out of place So out of place