delight greatly in the LordIn him is all my happinessFor he has made me beautiful and brightIn robes of righteousnessI delight greatly in the LordI delight greatly in the LordFilthy rags he changed for richesGave me honour for my shameDressed me in his strength and splendorI will glorify his nameI delight greatly in the LordI delight greatly in the LordI delight greatly in the LordIn him is all my happinessFor he has made me beautiful and brightIn robes of righteousnessI delight greatly in the LordI delight greatly in the LordHearts so full of celebrationLike a bride upon her wedding dayDressed like priests with his salvationWe will ever sing for joyI delight greatly in the LordI delight greatly in the LordI delight greatly in the LordI delight greatly in the Lord