(Homer): You took a twenty-karat diamond And made it gleam Like a big spaghetti dinner Smothered in whipped cream! (Comic Book Guy): You're like X-Men number three In a mylar bag (Snake): You're a brand new muscle car And all the wheels are mag (Grandpa) You make me feel as young As the blood I get from sheep (Cpt. McCallister) You're like Jaquiline Bisset In me favorite film The Deep (Moe) You're sexy and exotic Like a hooker from Belize (Dr. Hibbert) Or a patient with insurance
Who's crawling with disease (All) You're a sundae underneath two great big cherries! (Marge) Keep in mind they're only tempora-a-ries! (All) Still we'd like to say that we are very very Glad to see you (Mayor Quimby) And I decree you The hottest thing to hit this city since the fire that killed eleven (All) {gasp} (Mayor Quimby) Dangerous criminals! (All) Hooray! (Homer) And they're all mine!