I am in love with my paintings Artworks from the streams of my thoughts For a moment I was paralyzed By the colours so deep and living
The dimensions of truth was so far away Because this was not so real The work of my mind my hand and the brush was not carnal Yet breathing when I touched the profiles of it's colours
Every picture became a sophistication of my dreams An essence of artworks was created Twelve years ago I made a sculpture And covered her body with a blanket made in sweetest velvet
Her beauty could not be compared To anything I have created or seen
But I could not give her life My fantasy was greater than my faith
Suddenly she lifted her eyelids And stepped of the pedestal on which I placed her And so I took her hand and attached a ring to her finger She kissed me slowly to sleep
I married her and we shared the time from past to present And our thoughts went from reality to dream
My motives became part of time Motives covered in sweetest velvet