[Verse 1] Beyond the bones of burning horizons Each step away carves eons closer Drowning material realms in quicksilverintrospection Cuttinggilded chasms throughlabyrinthine haze
[Chorus] Carving out the ancient idols Inthe grip of chaos Cosmic storm in worm-eaten heart Unlock, unravel, unveil Un-material realm striving closer The principle of moments of death Dimensions draped in dust of prayers Unlock, unravel, unveil
[Refrain] Enter cromlech passage Enter portal veiled Bending light to will Enter cold void dreaming
[Verse 2] Beyond the skeletal shades of remembrance Each moment crawl lifetimes slower A fleeting glimpse of a lost world is all that remains Beyond tight ropes and crooked ladders Each breath a cosmic lifespan reversed Weaving the seven pillars into dehumanising flesh Underworld cantons roar through the ether Walking with shadows through worlds without end Eyes fill with pits of night and pools of stone and heavens' fire
[Refrain] Enter cold void dreaming Into oblivion black Enter cold void dreaming Striving to the other side of paragon perfection
[Chorus] Timeless and eternal Crushed against a wall of void Like a pariah fire in the dark Unlock, unravel, unveil
[Refrain] Enter cromlech passage Enter portal veiled Bending light to will Enter cold void dreaming