This is the beautiful—and rather provocative—cover for Mea Kulparik Ez by Imanol Larzabal, a folk-style singer of Basque origin. I know little about him beyond that, other than that he fought as part of the Basque separatist group ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) for a time in his youth. “Mea kulparik ez” is a line in the lyrics of the song “nire euskaltasuna” It’s about Imanol’s basque nationalism straying away from the orthodoxy of the then ETA dominated independentist movement. It says: My Basqueness is a forest And has no genealogical trees My Basqueness is a tower, and it does not have lineages. My Basqueness is a path, and there are no horsemen. My Basqueness is a flower With no altar. My Basqueness is a sea, and does not have admirals. My Basqueness is a book, and has no cassock. My Basqueness is a world, and has no Americas. My Basqueness is a bertso And does not have a beret My Basqueness is a sin Without mea culpa. He was saying that no one had the right to to tell him how a good Basque should be or think like and that he wasn’t going to apologize for choosing his own path. In that context, one could imagine that the choice of that photograph for the cover of his album was another way of saying that being different or having different tastes is ok and there is no need to apologize.