I'm direct like a javelin A wonder dog who won't give in Perseverance is a gift of mine Others use money and a bottle of cheap wine I want to you to stay 'cause you want you Won't stand in your way, won't haunt you Why can't we take one risk And have so much fun? Thinkin' too much about it Already talkin' yourself out of it Repeating all the reasons Why you think you should be leavin' Can you politely excuse me? Please don't try to confuse me How about you show me What you're tryin' so hard to hide? Let's be lovers tonight Oh Let's just close our eyes And make love Let's be lovers tonight Oh And feel alive This could be the start of everything Or just a part of everything You'll never know if we don't try Don't say you've been hurt I've used that lie I prefer to tell the truth 'Cause I may not get the chance to tell you If this doesn't work out You'll be gone before the lights go on Let's be lovers tonight Oh Let's just close our eyes And make love Let's be lovers tonight Oh And feel alive Let's be lovers tonight Oh Let's just close our eyes And make love Let's be lovers tonight Oh And feel alive I can see your eyes escapin' me It's like somethin' inside's afraid of me But don't be scared of choosin' If we do this there's no losin' I could tell the way you're breathin' Yeah, your mind is set on leavin' 'Cause outside life is rain' Don't say your mind is changin' Let's be lovers tonight Oh Just close your eyes And let go Let's be lovers tonight Oh And feel alive Let's be lovers tonight Oh Let's just close our eyes And make love Let's be lovers tonight Oh And feel alive