I am becalmed Lost to nothing Warm weather and Holocaust Left to die by two good friends Abandoned me and put to sleep Left to die by two good friends Tears of god flow as I bleed So ladies fish and gentlemen Here's my angled dream See me in the blue sky bag And meet me by the sea Oyster boys are Swimming for me now Save me from the Death-like creatures Oyster boys are swimming now Hear them chatter on the tide We understand, we understand But fear is real and so do I So ladies fish and gentlemen Here's my angled dream See me in the blue sky bag And meet me by the sea Oyster boys are Swimming for me Just one deal is what We made now Forest keys and whirlwind cold Green keys too and keys of gold And even locks that don't explode When the skies become a scroll So ladies fish and gentlemen Here's my angled dream See me in the blue sky bag And meet me by the sea LyricWiki