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Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us
Sufferation, intimidation, brainwashing the new generation They use violence, they are tyrants, they make laws and they expect silence But not us, we got the beat, and when the guns smoke they feel the heat So take action, they're not at your front door, listen up one, two, three, four!
Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us
Depression, aggression, we're united against the oppression They use Marshall law, we got a sharp claw and we attack like the lion of Judah And when we're done, you'll feel the roar, from the people you can longer ignore So take action, they're at your front door, listen up one, two, three four!
Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us
Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us Same tricks they used before, they're trying to divide us But that'll only multiply us