7. The Omega Device Ghostpilots fought and forced victories Defending an occupied zone Eden we called it and here we could in peace make our plans to return We set up some centres were we could work Made use of whatever we had To create a lab advanced enough to give birth to human clones As twilight falls upon mankind we stand face to face with doom Destroyed by our own creations Our world became a tomb We fight for survival a glimmer of hope But it was all too late Then suddenly something strange occurred The machines began to retreat An order was heard through the circuitry An order from highest command Hive machine mind it would calculate Process mechanical reign Not only man is doomed to fail even machines must die As twilight falls upon mankind we stand face to face with doom Destroyed by our own creations Our world became a tomb We fight for survival a glimmer of hope But it was all too late The omega device Progress was made in our cloning lab And the first cloned child opened its eyes To see a world of machinery, ruins and cybercide The hive mind created a new program called the omega device Self destruction was simultaneously And laid waste to planet earth As twilight falls upon mankind we stand face to face with doom Destroyed by our own creations Our world became a tomb We fight for survival a glimmer of hope But it was all too late The omega device